🤗 Hugging Remix - Modern UX meets open-source NLP

🤗 Hugging Remix - Building modern user experiences with Hugging Face models focused on Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks

🤗 Hugging Face JS - @huggingface/inference

This library provides a JavaScript interface to the Hugging Face Inference API. It allows you to make calls to the various machine learning models available on Hugging Face's platform. This can be a more convenient and structured way to interact with the Inference API compared to manually making HTTP requests.

🤗 Hugging Face JS - @huggingface/hub

This library provides functions to interact with the Hugging Face Model Hub. You can use it to create or delete repositories, commit changes, and download files. This can be useful if you're developing models and want to programmatically manage your repositories on Hugging Face

🤗 Hugging Face JS - @huggingface/agents

This library provides a natural language interface to interact with Hugging Face models. This can be useful for building applications that need to interact with models in a conversational manner